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location_onKyoto, Japan
Ikebana Japanese Flower Arrangement In Ikenobo Style At Local Home
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Lịch sử & Văn hoá nghệ thuật
Người cao tuổi
Kyoto, Japan
Mã sản phẩm: sakura_2
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Ikebana, a world-renowned traditional Japanese art, has its origins said to begin at Kyoto. With the addition of numerous schools and Western-style arrangement techniques, the diversified art of flower arrangement is charming for both men and women alike. You can attend without hesitation, even just for one session. Feel the seasons through Japan's flowers and try your hand at ikebana.

Chọn mục


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Điểm nổi bật

Both Japanese-style and Western-style scissors are available. For those uncomfortable with Japanese-style scissors or for parents hesitant to let children handle them, Western-style scissors are provided.

Floral materials are available for take-home! Even during your travels, if you place them in hotel or ryokan glasses, you can continue to savor the enjoyable memories of your journey a little longer.

Thông tin trải nghiệm

Ikebana, globally renowned as a traditional Japanese art form, is said to have its origins at Shiunzan Chofoku-ji Temple (commonly known as "Rokkaku-do") in Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto. This is the etymology of "Ikebana," the oldest school of flower arrangement in Japan. In Kyoto, floral materials such as branches and leaves, which are not commonly seen in flower shops in other regions, are also sold. Even if you are new to it, you can feel free to attend a lesson here at SAKURA, just once. It's a chance to try it out, whether for children or to see if it suits you! During class, you will experience using materials typical of Kyoto. Try your hand at ikebana using Japanese flowers that evoke the seasons. You can also take home the floral materials used in the lesson by cutting them short.

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Cách sử dụng

  • 当日はブラウザで当バウチャーを開いて、スタッフにご提示ください。

Lưu ý khi đặt hàng

★ Please wear socks or bring them with you. ★ If you arrive barefoot, socks can be purchased at an additional cost. Regarding Event Cancellation In the event of conditions such as inclement weather or announcements of the suspension of operations on highways or any mode of transportation, the event may be canceled.

Please Read Carefully For accidents or troubles during the lesson, please ensure your own safety and take responsibility. We are not responsible for any loss, injury, or damage to yourself or your belongings. If you have any religious or health restrictions, allergies, or require special accommodations, please consult with us in advance. We will do our best to accommodate your needs.

Thông tin quan trọng

可能な限り対応させていただきます。 繁忙期の定員:2名様まで 私たちのクラスはすべてプライベートクラスです。他人とクラスをシェアすることはできません。 (例)1名で参加の場合は「1名で参加」に1を、3名で参加の場合は「3名で参加」の欄にに1と入力してください。 If you are more than 15 minutes late, it will be considered a no-show and you will not be able to attend the class. Thank you for kindly understanding.

Chính sách huỷ

Thời gian trước ngày đã chọn/ Phí huỷ
  • Huỷ trước 8 ngày trở lên so với ngày đã chọn,hoàn phí toàn bộ (100%)
  • Huỷ trước và trong khoảng 4 ~ 7 ngày so với ngày đã chọn,thu phí thủ tục
  • Huỷ trước và trong khoảng 2 ~ 3 ngày so với ngày đã chọn,thu phí thủ tục
  • Huỷ trước 1 ngày so với ngày đã chọn,thu phí thủ tục
  • Huỷ trong ngày đã chọn,không thể hoàn phí (0%)

Địa điểm

Thông tin điểm tập trung

SAKURA 日本文化体験教室
〒604-0015 京都府京都市中京区 夷川通西洞院東入泉町660番地
Thông tin bổ sung:

Ikebana Japanese Flower Arrangement In Ikenobo Style At Local Home